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The Baby X-ers Fencing Group

Age 40+ Fencing
At The All-American Fencing Academy

An Age 40+ Fencing Group at the All-American Fencing Academy

The All-American Fencing Academy has always had a mix group of teens and adults.  But the age 40+ fencers wanted a class for themselves, so we granted their wish!  And they are always looking for new friends and fencers to join their group!

Meeting times:
Thursdays at 6:15PM

All beginner fencers and students take beginner lessons during class with the combined 40+ group.  This fencing group is a mix of competitive and recreational fencers.  If Thursdays are not available to you, please contact us.

Note:  You don’t HAVE to be in this group if you are age 40+.  All our teen and adult class are available to you if you want extra classes to attend or don’t mind fencing with a younger group.

For more information about our 40+ fencing age group, please contact the All-American Fencing Academy at 910-644-0137 or e-mail

What Does The Logo And The Name Mean?

The logo:
The logo is adapted from the service strips of US Military Uniforms.  The color scheme is from the US Army service stripes.  Each stripe in the US Army uniform stands for 3 years of service.  

The Name:
The Baby X-ers is a combination of two generation names:  The Baby Boomers and Generation X.  Our age 40+ fencers largely come from those two generations.  Perhaps as the group grows and new generations are added to it, it may become the Baby XY-ers. 🙂
