Apex Results and Harry Rulnick Open This Weekend!
Results from Apex Fencing Academy Doug Griswold Memorial
It was a tough weekend! We were against some strong competitors and for many of our fencers, the first time fencing at Apex. Congrats to all those that competed.
Results: https://fencingtimelive.com/tournaments/eventSchedule/1F52FF16B6F1445982C77584CC204FE3#today
Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/xAeYCMJKvpxjJ4GR9
This is our first home sanctioned tournament of the season. Don’t forget, this is a SANCTIONED event, so you have to make sure you have either an ACCESS or COMPETITIVE USA Fencing membership.
Also, the tournament will require full competitive gear. We have everything else available for you (mask, jacket, plastron, glove, lame, knickers, weapons and cords), but you have to make sure you have knee high socks. Be prepared to change into knickers. Pants sticking out below the knickers will not be acceptable.
There are currently 15 fencers signed up for the Senior Mixed Foil at 8AM (6 remaining open late registrations available). The 1PM DIV3 Senior Mixed Foil is currently maxed out, there are no remaining registration openings for the DIV3 Senior Mixed Foil.
Registered prior to October 1, 2023
Pre-registration event fee (single event): $40
Pre-registration event fee (double event): $70
Registered on or AFTER October 1, 2023
Late registration fee (single event): $60
Late registration fee (double event): $110
Adult Epee is cancelled, we do not have enough fencers for the Adult Epee event.
Who is pre-registered: https://www.askfred.net/tournaments/addf7216-b461-43f1-9c2b-1c78a7aeb7cd/preregistrations
Pre-register: https://www.askfred.net/tournaments/addf7216-b461-43f1-9c2b-1c78a7aeb7cd/preregister
More info: https://www.askfred.net/tournaments/addf7216-b461-43f1-9c2b-1c78a7aeb7cd