Quick Updates and Christmas Shopping Lists If You Need It
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! Sorry we couldn’t do open fencing on Saturday, but as I was driving around on Friday, it seems that my alternator might have been going bad so I had to put it in the shop.
Yesterday was the deadline to register for the Wilmington Tournament, but you can still do late registration. Today is the last day to register from the The Southern RYC/RJCC/ROC at Myrtle Beach. Isabelle and I will be there on Saturday and Sunday. I see Olivia McKinney is also fencing the Y10 Women’s Foil on Saturday.
Upcoming Events:
Download updated schedule of events: http://schedule.allamericanfencing.com
- Monday, November 27, 2023: Deadline to register for The Southern RYC/RJCC/ROC at Myrtle Beach (https://member.usafencing.org/details/tournaments/7728)
- Saturday, December 9, 2023: Wilmington Tournament (https://www.askfred.net/tournaments/47a20109-3e48-479c-8199-ccd16cf02e7e)
- December 16-December 18, 2023: The Southern RYC/RJCC/ROC at Myrtle Beach (look to see what day your event is)
Potluck sign up: http://www.luckypotluck.com/potluck/2023AAFAChristmasParty - NO CLASSES DURING WEEK OF CHRISTMAS (I may open for open fencing one morning or evening to get your fencing itch on.)
- Saturday, January 6, 2023: NEW!! Behind Every Great Man Open (https://www.askfred.net/tournaments/fa90aa18-58e1-4984-aba8-4ae889c9d7fe)
- Saturday, January 13, 2023: Pisacafe and Homeschool at Wilmington (https://www.askfred.net/tournaments/928284d5-c8cc-4b3d-a66e-d5c9483e5657)
- Saturday, April 20, 2024: NEW!! Zane Kang Open (https://www.askfred.net/tournaments/adeeb6a4-a217-4944-8fd0-784d81f5abab)
Need Ideas For Fencing Stuff For Kid Christmas Presents?
If they don’t have any equipment at all, a good place to start is getting an Absolute Advanced 6-Piece Starter set, which is what many of our fencers have. If they already have a starter set, you may want to start to add to it if they compete regularly like fencing pants. But who wants to just get pants for Christmas? If they are regularly competing, you may want to look at electrical competition equipment.
We also have team wear! We not only have our shirts and hoodies, but we actually have a team jacket that some of us wear for competition. You can find all our team wear here: https://allamericanfencing.com/team-wear/
But if you need some lists and ideas, below are some ideas:
The fencing stuff Christmas Idea List: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FL7v_PuRL-vikyFKn6B0VWoNk4KFFTBq9NgYmLQxqCQ/edit?usp=sharing
If you do the “Something They Want, Need, Wear, Read”, here are some suggestions that may apply to everyone:
- Here’s what everyone wants, but they’re ridiculously expensive; The Leon Paul X-Change FIE Contour Foil Mask: https://www.leonpaulusa.com/x-change-fie-contour-foil-mask-17.html (Did you look? Did you spit out your morning coffee? Yeah, they’re THAT expensive, but they last forever.)
- Here’s a more cost efficient idea: A Grippy Glove. They’re a little better than the soft leather gloves most of our fencers have, and these ones on Amazon are cheaper than the ones on fencing equipment websites: https://www.amazon.com/LEONARK-Padded-Fencing-Gloves-Saber/dp/B093HDHTYY/
- Check out this personalized Fencing Water Bottle! https://www.amazon.com/LaserGram-Fencing-Personalized-Engraving-Included/dp/B08MYDBSJ7/
- There’s also a 50 pack of fencing stickers for water bottles: https://www.amazon.com/Stickers-Waterproof-Scrapbooking-Students-Aesthetic/dp/B0CL7VTN8F/
- Team Hoodie: https://www.amazon.com/All-American-Fencing-Academy-Team-Hoodie/dp/B07PYY2QSK/
- Or if they already have that one, check out the Legacy Hoodie from our Strip Side Collection (https://allamericanfencing.com/strip-side-collection)
- Or a team jacket! (https://www.cceheadgearplus.com/s/search?q=aafa%20limitless)
- If they haven’t read The Princess Bride, trust me, the book is as good as the movie: https://www.amazon.com/Princess-Bride-Morgensterns-Classic-Adventure/dp/0156035154/
- If they have read The Princess Bride, Coach also enjoyed Cary Elwes’ “Inconceivable Tales From The Making Of The Princess Bride”: https://www.amazon.com/As-You-Wish-Inconceivable-Princess/dp/1476764042/