February Intramural Date!
We had a successful first tournament of 2021! We will try to continue to host small tournaments and hopefully gradually transition to open events that include other clubs and fencers.
With that being said, February 20th is the date of our next intramural tournament! There will be a limit of 10 fencers, first come first serve. The tournament will also be limited to All-American Fencing Academy fencers only. There will be no outside fencers/clubs participating.
February 20, 2021
9AM: Youth Class Tournament (only for students in my Tuesday, 6PM youth class)
1PM: Teen and Adult Unrated Tournament
Pre-Registration: https://askfred.net/Events/whoIsComing.php?tournament_id=47467
Youth Class:
If your child has competed before, feel free to pre-register online at https://askfred.net/Events/whoIsComing.php?tournament_id=47467. I will also taking names during class as this is the first time for most of our families.
Teens and Adults:
Please pre-register at https://askfred.net/Events/whoIsComing.php?tournament_id=47467, you have competed in the last event, your name is now in AskFred’s database. When you sign up for an account on AskFred, it will probably find your name from the last event you participated in. Start to get used to AskFred!
This time, there will be no beginner and advanced teen tournament, this will be an open, unrated only event. Which means our rated fencers cannot participate, but we still have some pretty tough fencers you may be up against that don’t have a rating!
Also, now that you’ve participated in your first event, check out our Primer on Tournaments: https://allamericanfencing.com/a-primer-on-tournaments/
I talked a lot about tournaments during the beginner event, this goes a little more in depth if you start to participate in tournaments outside of our club.