Updates and No Classes This Thursday
Congrats to our finalists in last weekend’s home tournament! Isabelle Guevarra took 1st, Daniel Johnson took 2nd, and Jack Tart and Josh Ayers tied for 3rd. Pretty good event and our first mixed event in a while!
Wish Isabelle and Coach Gerhard luck as they fence this weekend at the USA Fencing North American Cup in Richmond, VA.
Our March 12th sanctioned event is getting bigger! **It is a sanctioned event so make sure you have your Access USA Fencing Membership.
Pre-register for the tournament: https://askfred.net/Events/whoIsComing.php?tournament_id=49544#
Check, update, or upgrade your USA Fencing Membership: https://www.usafencing.org/page/show/698114-individual-memberships
Because Isabelle and Coach Gerhard are travelling and competing this weekend (Isabelle competes on Friday), there will be no class and open fencing on Thursday, March 3, 2022.