OS/AH: Fencing Class, Live Teleclass, Return to Fencing
There’s going to be a lot covered in this e-mail/post. We’ll be covering some usuals and some announcements, including:
-This week’s YouTube video class
-This week’s live video Google Meet Class
-The return for to physical class
-Other announcements
This weeks class on YouTube:
By Section
0:00 Intro
0:42 Updates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eR-hQE7Ud8&t=42s
2:11 Warm Ups, Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eR-hQE7Ud8&t=131s
6:31 Warm Ups, Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eR-hQE7Ud8&t=391s
12:25 Footwork https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eR-hQE7Ud8&t=745s
22:22 Bladework https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eR-hQE7Ud8&t=1342s
32:09 Skill Work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eR-hQE7Ud8&t=1929s
41:26 Cool Down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eR-hQE7Ud8&t=2486s
47:57 Outtakes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eR-hQE7Ud8&t=2877s
Resources mentioned in the video:
Cyrano’s Place YouTube channel where we got the idea for the pool noodle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzIyPbTBgNZSYgnal1_tqkQ
Need to be able to time yourself without a partner? Either tape your phone to the wall and press start and stop, or you can use a shot timer:
We will continue do to online classes through July.
Fox Bookkeeping: https://www.facebook.com/Fox-Bookkeeping-484085878994066/
Steven C. McRae, P.A.: http://stevemcraelaw.com/
Matthew Woods VO: http://matthewwoodsvo.com/
Live Video Google Meet Class:
There are 2 more live classes
Youth: June 16 and 23, 6:30PM
Teens/Adults/Vets: June 17 and 24, 6:30PM
Google Meet Link (check e-mail for link)
Reminders for the Google Meet Class:
-Have a weapon and glove, if you don’t, pool noodle or DIY weapon will work.
-You’ll need your fencing glove or a sock.
-Make sure you are wearing shoes!
-It’s helpful if you have headphones on.
-Place the phone/laptop camera in a position where I can see the entire body. I’m watching you too to be able to make corrections!
-TEENS/ADULTS/VETS ONLY: Have a coffee mug of water again.
There will be no Google Meet Class during the week of June 29-July 3.
We will have a soft re-open for classes during the week of June 29-July 3. We will be doing private lessons to get back into the swing of things and some open fencing time for teens/adults/vets. Please sign up online for your to schedule your time. The online sign up is a spreadsheet. You can sign up for Private Lessons (all ages) and Open Fencing Time (teen class students/adults/vets). This will also give you an opportunity to get used to having your face mask on while fencing.
Private lessons: Only sign up for 1 during the week. If on the day of, an hour before lessons start, you see an opening is available and you have already taken a private lesson that week, you can sign up for another.
Open fencing: There are two time slots for June 30, July 1, and July 2 (6-7:30PM and 7:30-9PM). This will open 3 strips for open fencing for a total of 6 fencers during each time slot. These will not be classes, but time to practice again. If on they day of, an hour before the time slot, there are some slots open for open fencing, you can come earlier/stay longer. I may have some students that are not yet teens that are in my teen classes. You can sign up for open fencing as long as you are in my teen/adult/vet classes.
Sign up online here:
Check e-mail for link
Face mask requirements will be observed, read on for face mask requirements.
Classes will resume during the second week of July. Schedule will remain the same prior to COVID-19 closures:
Youth Class: 6-7PM
Teen/Adult Class: 7-8PM
Teen/Adult Foil/Epee Class: 6:15-7:15PM
Beginner Students: 7-8PM
What will be new:
- Fencers must bring face masks. Once they enter the fencing room, please have them on. You might want to have a spare one available in case you lose one or one get’s too sweaty. If you want to get face masks with the All-American Fencing Academy logo on it, a local printer (CCE Headgear Plus, 112 Westwood Shopping Center, Fayetteville, NC…near the mall.) is making our masks and can either be bought at the store or ordered online:
- If purchasing at the store, call ahead of time at 910-867-7011, and pre-order your mask before showing up. The masks are not printed ahead of time, so they need an hour or so to print your mask, and they will let you know when to pick it up.
- Ordering online: Visit online at https://www.cceheadgearplus.com/face-mask, select the color or style you like, select the print color of our logo you want on the mask, and check “FENCING ACADEMY LOGO” at the bottom. You can ignore the other options. I don’t know how long the orders online take to be delivered, I usually just go pick them up.
- There will be several sanitizing stations. We will have hand sanitizers available throughout the fencing club. Each set of floor reels will have spray bottles for either sanitizing the plug or your hands. We will be sanitizing the masks, weapons, and body cords after each class.
- Only one person at a time in the armory room!
- Uniforms and gloves will be placed in a laundry bin at the end of class after use (Do not replace them on the rack and drawers!)
- We will not be taping off chairs. As we know that we have family members, and it’s ok for family members to sit next to each other. But we ask you to use your best judgement when sitting near and around our other family members.
- Although, we now encourage our family members to wait in their vehicles or enjoy the shops and restaurants in Downtown Fayetteville. You can find everything available at https://www.downtownfaystrong.com/
- We may have to adjust days and class times based on total number of students. But for now, class and times will remain the same.
- The water fountain downstairs will not be available. Please bring your own water.
- No handshakes will remain in effect.
- Please! If you have a fever or are sick, please let coach know and do not attend class that week. Everyone, even before the pandemic, was diligent about this and I thank you! Please remain diligent about you or your children’s and our health and safety.
- While we are not requiring family members to wear face masks while in our facility, we strongly encourage it.
Concerns About Wearing Face Masks During Exercise
I spoke to 2 physicians, a pulmonologist, and an ENT (Ear Nose Throat) doctors for their take on wearing facemasks while exercise, specifically fencing. 1 of the physicians is a fencer and fenced at our club, and the ENT was a coach at our club.
They all stated that wearing a facemask during exercise will not cause hypoxia or collapsed lung. They may get tired sooner, and take more frequent rests. The mask itself, depending on the person may be an annoyance. Otherwise, it’s fine to wear, but should cover both the nose and the mouth.
For an even more thorough study of face mask use during exercise and health implications, my former coach, Dr. Ron C. Miller did some studies and summarized the research and literature.
You can find that in the link below, and is a good read for anybody that is exercising with a face mask.