OS/AH: This Week’s YouTube Class and Lots Of Updates
I’m going to try to keep this post/e-mail a little short, because a lot of the information is mentioned before, so I’ll just post the link to a previous post. But up first is our YouTube class this week!
This week’s class:
0:00 Updates
1:36 Warm Ups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLxi-f3zBWw&t=96s
10:40 Footwork https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLxi-f3zBWw&t=640s
20:37 Bladework https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLxi-f3zBWw&t=1237s
29:03 Skill Work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLxi-f3zBWw&t=1743s
39:35 Cool Down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLxi-f3zBWw&t=2375s
Update 1: Governor Cooper’s Announcement About Phase 3 Today
Governor Cooper should be making his announcement today about ending Phase 2 and entering Phase 3. Classes in July will depend on what is announced today. REMEMBER! Just because we can start classes doesn’t mean we are safe! We will have to remain vigilant and safe about how we operate!
Update 2: Last Live Online Class Tonight for Teen/Adult/Vet Classes at 6:30PM
This week is the last Live Google Meet Class for the students in the teen/adult/vet classes. Join us at (see e-mail for link). https://meet.google.com/znt-dacr-uca
Update 3: Soft Re-Open Week
We will have a soft re-open for classes during the week of June 29-July 3. Information here: https://allamericanfencing.com/sign-up-for-the-soft-re-open-week/
Sign up online here:
Update 4: Another Online Referee Clinic
Don’t forget about this great opportunity! Gabe, Sabrina, and Bruce have recently taken the clinic and passed all the tests for ALL WEAPONS! They have their preliminary referee rating. Another online clinic is scheduled and right now, Marlon is registered! For more information or to sign up and pay online, go to https://askfred.net/Clinics/moreInfo.php?clinic_id=46604
Update 5: Be Ready For Classes With An AAFA Face Mask!
You can buy your AAFA face mask online or in store, info at: https://allamericanfencing.com/new-aafa-brand-face-masks-buy-local-or-online/
Update 6: Get Some Gear!
Don’t forget to take advantage of Absolute Fencing Gear’s deal for a free glove with fencing mask purchase. (Make sure you get a foil mask if you are a foil fencer.) https://www.absolutefencinggear.com/shopping/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=11001+OR+11001F+OR+11002+OR+11002R+OR+11002F+OR+11002FR&x=30&y=15&categories_id=1&inc_subcat=1&manufacturers_id=&pfrom=&pto=&dfrom=&dto=
Fox Bookkeeping: https://www.facebook.com/Fox-Bookkeep…
Steven C. McRae, P.A.: http://stevemcraelaw.com/
Matthew Woods VO: http://matthewwoodsvo.com/