Monday Open Foil Fencing
Starting this Monday, Coach John will be hosting Open Foil Fencing on Monday nights from 6-7:30pm.
This is ideal for our competitive fencers looking for extra fencing practice. This will not be a structured class but an opportunity to get some extra bouting time for all age groups.
Note: If nobody shows up by 6:20, the club will close for the night. There is no extra cost for open fencing.
Also, if you’re an epee fencer, Thursday nights are open bouting nights.
Thursday: Epee
Time: 7-8PM
*Note: Open epee bouts are run by the epee fencers. Please join the epee GroupMe SMS contact list to know which epee fencers are able to make it. If there are no epee key holders, the club will close shortly after Coach Melea ends her class at 7:30PM.