AAFA NAC Live: Victor On Strip
Victor is fencing his pools. Live results can be found here: https://results.usfencingresults.org/2017-2018/2018.04-APR-NAC/FTEvent_2018Apr20_DV3ME.htm
Victor is fencing his pools. Live results can be found here: https://results.usfencingresults.org/2017-2018/2018.04-APR-NAC/FTEvent_2018Apr20_DV3ME.htm
Victor is getting ready for pools for DIV3 Men’s Epee in his first North American Cup in Richmond, VA! You can view live results here: https://results.usfencingresults.org/2017-2018/2018.04-APR-NAC/FTEvent_2018Apr20_DV3ME.htm
Gerhard 5-1 in pools and in 9th seed. Sabina wins first elimination.
Sabrina and Coach Gerhard are checked in for the DIV3 Women’s Foil and Combined Vet Men’s Foil. Scheduled start around 12:30pm